Monday 14 January 2008

The L Word Fan Wiki!

If, like me, you occasionally find yourself trawling wikipedia to check out L Word minutia, such as the name of the hot French girl Jenny got with at the end of Season Three, you'll be pleased to know that gay geekiness has reached new heights, with the L Word Fan Wiki!

There's already been some controversy, with one Shane fan editing Carmen's page to leave comments such as "raver skank", "manipulative", and "Shane left Carmen after two years abuse at her hands".

Ok, so blanking your girlfriend because you had a dream she flew away with a bird is pretty weird, but over-reaction much? And lets not forget that these are
fictional characters, ladies...

But still, who can resist the temptation to spend hours writing your own version of why dana should never had died, or why Tina and Bette have to get back together, and feel that no, you are not wasting time, you are in fact doing a service to other fans? Not me!

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