Friday 22 December 2006

On Friday 29th of December there will be a "Reclaim The Night" March in Ipswich in memory of the five dead women, and in protest against violence against women.

Anyone of any sex, age, gender, sexual orientation, race, colour or creed is welcome, all that matters is that you feel that violence against women is generally a bad thing!

It will be starting at seven pm at the town hall steps (near Debenhams if you are not too familiar with Ipswich) and more information can be found here: IPSWICH RECLAIM THE NIGHT MARCH

Even if you are unable to come along yourself, it would be wonderful if you could pass this information along to family and friends (my mother has vowed to come along with me and my mates, because she believes in this cause), or maybe post it on your MySpace profile etc?

I have posted on the forums that I used, and emailed everyone that I know who lives in the area, and hopefully I may be putting up posters in my town.

I have recently found out that I am distantly related to Tania Nicholls, one of the murdered women, but I am not taking part in this march just because of this, I am taking part because it is a cause that I believe, and everyone has the right to feel safe on their own streets.

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