Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Whatever Happened To Free Speech?

I've just realised that Natasha Lyonne (http://imdb.com/name/nm0005169/) who played the interesting and cool Jessica in the American Pie movies also had the lead role in the queercore (and fantastic) movie But I'm A Cheerleader, due to this article: http://logo-blogs.com/afterellen/2006/12/18/and-you-thought-she-was-crazy-in-freeway-ii/

It's kind of upsetting to know that she had a drug problem, but at least she's over it now. And there was a warrant for her arrest because she threatened to do unspeakable things to her neighbours dog? I mean, come on. I threatened to kill my friend with a spoon if he messed up my hair again, does that mean that I can be arrested for attempted murder?

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