Sunday, 18 February 2007

Not Only Is She Bald, It Was Self-Inflicted!

I reported Britney Spears' new hairdo a couple of posts ago (scroll down for pictures!) and now it's come out that she was in a San Fernando Valley hair-salon on Friday night when she grabbed an electric clipper and shaved her own head.

The salon owner, Esther Tognozzi told CNN:
"I tried to talk her out of it. I said, 'Are you sure you're not having a bad day and tomorrow you'll feel differently about it? Why don't we wait a little bit?'

"She said 'No, I absolutely want it shaved off now.' Next thing I know, she grabbed the buzzer and she went to the back of my salon and she was shaving off her own hair. "
Thats pretty impulsive.And somewhat worrying.
Over the past few months she's got divorced, been accused of being a negligent parent, partied hard with Paris Hilton, ruined her image by being photographed without knickers on four seperate occasions, got a new boyfriend, been dumped by him, checked into rehab, checked out less than twenty-four hours later, and got a new tattoo (a pair of pink and red lips on her wrist) just before she shaved her head.
Christ, she's been a busy girl! I got tired just typing that list!
According to Yahoo! News:

Professor Cary Cooper, professor of psychology and health at Lancaster University, and an expert on stress, said: "She's obviously quite a disturbed girl at the moment, she doesn't know who or what she is. She obviously needs some help, and needs somebody to take hold, because her behaviour is very erratic. I think it's a call for help. She's saying, 'I'm very confused, I'm not in control of myself at the moment, I need a fresh start, I need help'. "

He refers to the dramatic head-shaving incident thus:"To me, it's a symbolic act, saying, 'Help, I'm not altogether here' - and it's certainly drawn attention to her."

Lets hope she listens.

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