Thursday, 25 January 2007


The UK Government wishes to pass a law to prohibit discrimination in the provision of goods, services and facilities on the grounds of sexual orientation .

Which seems quite fair, I mean, after all, why should anyone be refused service because of their sexuality? That would be just as bad as racism.

However, the Catholic church is trying to bully the state about the new anti-discrimination laws.
The Catholic Church are saying if the government passes this law they'll shut down their orphanages.

So, they'd rather children and babies were homeless than living with a gay couple.(Bizzarely, they will let single straight people, and single gay people adopt,
just not gay couples)

Yeah, so, making kids homeless, thats REALLY Christian

Its like, they hate homosexuals more than they care about the welfare of babies and children.

they've got a petition on the Downing Street website with 8000 signatures

But you can do your part for freedom by signing this counter-petition

If the government doesn't pass this bill then they are saying that the Catholic church is above the law.

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