Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Paranoid Kitten's Fanfiction

http://dress-fic.livejournal.com has some of the best slash fanfiction that I've ever read.Her Pieces are mostly short and sweet but she has the knack of really capturing the essence of the character, and of making the most unusual pairings seem possible. JD and Dr Cox from Scrubs, anyone? It might seem completely ridiculous now, but when you've read this... dress-fic.livejournal.com/103910.html

There's a plethora of Buffy and Angel ficlets too, with some Harry Potter femslash thrown in for good measure! There's some rather nice Danish (Dana/Alice) L Word femslash too, and a bucketload of other fic from pretty much every tv series imaginable.

It's well worth checking out, especially as Paranoid Kitten is so good at writing that she can make Black Books fic worth reading.Definitely one of my favourite fanfiction writers.

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