Friday, 19 January 2007

New Buffy Season Eight!

Whoah.Is that not the ultimate in gothicky magical Willowsex? But even more exciting that everyone's favourite gay witch in a backless black dress is the fact that there is going to be a Buffy season eight!

Well, sort of.

It's gonna be in comicbook form. But if you've ever read any of the Buffy graphic novels, you'll know that thats not a bad thing.

The Spike&Dru and Willow&Tara collections managed to show us a side of the well-loved characters that the show never got to, the untold histories and private lives that fanfiction writers have been creating for years. So hopefully we can look forward to a Buffy thats just as witty, just as action-packed, and even more fan-friendly and indepth as the original show!

For those who thought it was all over when Sunnydale disappeared into a massive hole, thats damn good news!

Official Dark Horse website:


Anonymous said...

i didn't realise that joss whedon was actually writing it! DAMN him for ending buffy. *tut* i very much dout i will be buying any of these, not my thing really, but i will be looking at an overview of the series or something. angel already hinted at what was going on with buffy, and dawn though...they were in italy, just living a normal life...i guess this new series may forget that!

Jezebelle said...

Ooh, if you read Queen Of The Slayers, you'll know that Buffy is training a slayer army, and that the Immortal is not quite what he seems...

Anonymous said...

buffy is training a slayer army...isn't this what happened in season seven!? i love season seven...i thought it was very different from previous seasons. my favourite is season five though. always will be, its fantastic.

Jezebelle said...

I'm more of a season six fan myself, although that may have something to do with la sex...I have decided that sex is a feminine word.

Anonymous said...

Season 6 is probably my third favourite...maybe second. I though it was quite an odd season. I prefer the later seasons to the earlier ones, I think they are a lot darker, Season 5 in particular. Something which Buffy ust can't beat. She generally wins, the fact that she didn't made the Season a lot more interesting. Also. Dracula! Yes...5 is the best. 4 is probably my least favourite. Not THAT much goes on really. Its still a pretty good series, but compared to the others...

Jezebelle said...

Oh yes, I do like the darker tones, especially the ideas of abuse and self-destruction that were going on in season six.

Hmm, i never thought about that in season five.You're right, it is different because although she didn't lose, she didn't really win either, as she had to sacrifice herself...

I also think that Giles' murder of Ben in The Gift never really got properly addressed.

Anonymous said...

the series could have ended with 5. it wouldn't have been right of course, but it was a possibility. if the season had tied up a few loose ends maybe, i would have been much happier with that finale. both following seasons were fantastic, and dealt with some really interesting topics, but i couldnt help but feel it had been dragged on a bit, after Glory. the rough events of season five could have perhaps replaced seven. season 5 had so much more to it, with everything that happened to the characters etc. maybe steal a couple of storylines from six and seven and you have a perfect season. *lol* i am reading too much into this!

and i agree. it was kind of like. you are dead. goodbye. that is all. it wasn't really relevent i don't think, it wasn't needed. glory may have been stopped, but it didn't stop the inevitable. :S

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