Tuesday, 30 January 2007

The Ultimate Buffy Fanfiction Pairing List...

Okay, I've finally done it...The Ultimate Buffy and Angel fanfiction list...

Just click on a character's name to find links of sites that house fanfic based around that character, or a 'ship for that character.
All 'ships are listed twice, once for each character, so the Warren/Andrew site Down With The Sickness appears under both Andrew and Warren.

Mr Gordo

Monday, 29 January 2007

More of these weird pics!

I just think its amazing how creative these are!
lol, the last one reminds me slightly of something from the Harry Potter movies! *cough* geek *cough*

Shane In Her Pants!

I'm gonna go have some alone time...

Friday, 26 January 2007

Thursday, 25 January 2007


The UK Government wishes to pass a law to prohibit discrimination in the provision of goods, services and facilities on the grounds of sexual orientation .

Which seems quite fair, I mean, after all, why should anyone be refused service because of their sexuality? That would be just as bad as racism.

However, the Catholic church is trying to bully the state about the new anti-discrimination laws.
The Catholic Church are saying if the government passes this law they'll shut down their orphanages.

So, they'd rather children and babies were homeless than living with a gay couple.(Bizzarely, they will let single straight people, and single gay people adopt,
just not gay couples)

Yeah, so, making kids homeless, thats REALLY Christian

Its like, they hate homosexuals more than they care about the welfare of babies and children.

they've got a petition on the Downing Street website with 8000 signatures

But you can do your part for freedom by signing this counter-petition http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/GSFRegs/

If the government doesn't pass this bill then they are saying that the Catholic church is above the law.

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

French Verb Table

Dragon Fruit

I ate one of these today, and for something so exotic that looks like some sort of rare flower, I was very disappointed.The inside looked like frogspawn, but it tasted like...nothing.Like eating a herbal tea, if you can image that.Weak and insipid.

Gender-bending Dragon!

A komodo dragon in Chester Zoo has given birth to five baby dragons! Not much odd about that, I hear you say, after all, that is what komodo dragons usually give birth to.

Well, Flora, the lizard in question, has never mated, or even mixed with a male lizard. Flora fertilised the eggs herself, without any male help, in a process called parthenogenesis or "virgin birth". Like Jesus!

A curator at the zoo hilariously quipped "When the first of the babies hatched, we didn't know whether to make her a cup of tea or pass her the cigars..." Funny.

And apparently the komodo dragon population is 75% male.

More about how the lizard did it here on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis or read the whole article here on Yahoo!News, but I wouldn't bother, it's pretty short.

Things You THOUGHT You Knew...

I found this http://www.livescience.com/bestimg/result.php?back=myths_greatwall_china_03.jpg&cat=myths and groaned...

You know all those pub facts and talking points that get dragged out time and again.Well, some of them are actually true.And others, well, others aren't. But its kinda fun to read the myths and try and guess if they're real or fake before you find out.

I'm Fascinated with These...

They're definitely one of those 'second-glance' things.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

The Simpsons!

This is a clip from one of my favourite simpson episodes; Homer's Phobia. Its when Homer takes Bart to a steel mill in an attempt to make him 'straight' but is confronted with a mill full of flamboyantly gay workers...oh homer, he makes me chuckle.

She's hot, but she's not THAT hot...

I came across this quite cute wallpaper that someone had constructed of the very lovely Ms Moennig.And then I read the poem.Now, you probably can't make it out on the picture, so I have typed it out (removing the author's name):

To Kate Moennig,

I would say you are the one to change the world entirely.
Looking at you, I mean, is there any man more woman than you?
Or is there any woman more man than you?

You are the one and you know it.

Someone in between genders and cannot be captured completely by either definition of them.
I am sorry for being so worldless because there is no single word in my dictionary has the capacity to hold the whole you in.

Okay, first off, pretty poem, nice wallpaper.And if you've read any of this site, you probably know that I have a slight obsession with Kate.And thats normal.What red-blooded queer girl doesn't ?
However, am I the only person who finds that poem a little bit stalkery?

Is It Just Me?

Or do these two (Brendon Urie and Kate Moennig) look remarkably similar?
I'm actually finding this quite scary...I love them both for their androgynous ways!

Monday, 22 January 2007

Severe Winds Last Week

I would like to thank Steve Taylor for the below pics of a local beach taken on the 18th.

The Wonders of Nature...

It worries me that these are on my first post...
hm, now I have a friend whose favourite analogy for *ahem* is; 'like a suitcase with clothes hanging out' can somebody please explain his reasoning?!

My Absence...

Well I could blame my lack of posts on the fact that my account's been down the last few days...but no, I'm just lazy. Ironically though, while I'd been unable to post I had loads of ideas!
So, assuming I may now be taking an active role in this blog I guess I should warn you that whatever posts I do drag up won't be much like my co-blogger's...Since I'm easily amused by oddities and am known for cynicism.
So if you hate my posts, blame Jezebelle; she made me.

Not your granny's knitting...

It's a crocheted vagina! I found it on this little site http://www.yarnivore.com/mt/archives/000839.html after I read about it in Scarlet magazine.

Isn't it cute?

Now, the obvious question is, why would anyone knit a vagina? Well, I am currently constructing one out of felt myself, and even I don't know the answer to that question...But something even weirder is the fact that people are actually buying them!

("home of the crocheted vulva and other vagina-insired goodies"!) sells vagina coin purses, tampon cases (quite a cute idea, that) and earmuffs (?!?!?).

The website's publicity reads:
"If you have ever wondered to yourself, "Gee, my life would be perfect if ONLY I had a crocheted vulva?" -- and who hasn't -- then this is the place for you. Now you can have your very own CROCHETED VULVA!"

Oh my god! I've just realised that the little internet explorer tile reads: "Crochet My Crotch: when you care enough to send to the very...strangest"

I love whoever designed that site and I want to have their babies.

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Lesbian? This just might turn you straight...

This blog on the internationally famous Sundance Film Festival http://www.imdb.com/features/sundance/2007/blog/ mentions a very bizzare addition to the festival line-up.

Called Teeth, it is about a young woman who is so innocent that she doesn't realise it's not normal to have set of teeth in your vagina.

Doesn't that sound like the most terrifying film ever?

There's more on this mythological condition, apparently know as vagina dentata here on wikipedia:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata

To make this article more interesting, I decided to do a Google search for an image of vagina dentata. I really, really wish I hadn't.

Ooh, pretty sunset...

I know that pictures of sunsets are tres cliche, but I was rather pleased with this one as I think that it looks quite professional

Just Jack-Starz In Their Eyes

I am currently loving this song. It's just such a cool little take on the music industry and our culture's celebrity obsession in general.

Friday, 19 January 2007

New Buffy Season Eight!

Whoah.Is that not the ultimate in gothicky magical Willowsex? But even more exciting that everyone's favourite gay witch in a backless black dress is the fact that there is going to be a Buffy season eight!

Well, sort of.

It's gonna be in comicbook form. But if you've ever read any of the Buffy graphic novels, you'll know that thats not a bad thing.

The Spike&Dru and Willow&Tara collections managed to show us a side of the well-loved characters that the show never got to, the untold histories and private lives that fanfiction writers have been creating for years. So hopefully we can look forward to a Buffy thats just as witty, just as action-packed, and even more fan-friendly and indepth as the original show!

For those who thought it was all over when Sunnydale disappeared into a massive hole, thats damn good news!

Official Dark Horse website: http://www.darkhorse.com/profile/profile.php?sku=14-111

Angel - Virtual Season Six!

Okay, I am so excited about this that it's hard to type.

I used to watch Angel (season two) on Channel 4, but when it got pulled, I lost interest.I'd always been more of a Buffy fan anyway.But even more than that, I'm a Spike fan.So when I heard that he was gonna be returning from the grave (again!) to star in season five of Angel, well, I just had to get my grubby paws on the dvds.But then of course, all that came to an end too.

What was I going to do without my blondie-bear? And besides missing Spike, I'd realised that Angel was a really great show.So you can imagine my elation when I stumbled upon Angel: No Limits. It's a virtual season six of Angel written by some of the best names in Buffy-verse fanfiction (Mad Poetess, anyone?).

But then, of course, came the doubts. Would it actually be any good? And even if it worked as a fic, would it compare to the show?

Well, my doubts were needless.If you were a fan of the series, you wont believe how close this comes! Plot, pacing, characterisation, dialogue, all spot-on. Even if you weren't a fan, its still damn good fic.

I haven't read all the episodes, due to time-constraints, but rest-assured, the first few are definitely out of this world.Its the closest we're ever gonna get to Angel Investigations again!

Here be the link: http://www.ats-nolimits.com/index.php

The site is really professional,and they've also done some great graphics, including the ads you see here.There's also banners, avatars,LJ icons and wallpapers.

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Shiny new chat feature!

I thought i would just point out the shiny new chat feature! Its that purple box down on the lefthand side, and it's basically a mini chatroom! So feel free to try it out and play around!

Terrorists Use Google Earth

I remember the first time I ever heard about Google Earth.It was on Christmas Day 2005, and my friend and I were discussing the infamous Area 51 in the New Mexican desert. I said, "wait a sec, if everything is on there, surely thats gonna pose some kind of security risk?"

Two years later, I've been proved right.

According to the The Daily Telegraph website:

"Terrorists attacking British bases in Basra are using aerial footage displayed by the Google Earth internet tool to pinpoint their attacks, say Army intelligence sources.

Documents seized during raids on the homes of insurgents last week uncovered print-outs from photographs taken from

The satellite photographs show in detail the buildings inside the bases and vulnerable areas such as tented accommodation, lavatory blocks and where lightly armoured Land Rovers are parked.

"This is evidence as far as we are concerned for planning terrorist attacks," aid an intelligence officer with the Royal Green Jackets battle group. "Who would otherwise have Google Earth imagery of one of our bases? "

Anyone with the internet can sign up to Google Earth and by simply typing in the name of a location they can receive very detailed imagery down to identifying types of vehicles.

The company is one of several internet outlets that buy aerial imagery, usually taken by aircraft but sometimes by satellite, from governments or mapping companies.

It is unclear how old the maps are but it is believed the Basra images were made within the past two years.

A Google spokesman said the information could be used for "good and bad" and was available to the public in many forms. "Of course we are always ready to listen to governments' requests," he said.

"We have opened channels with the military in Iraq but we are not prepared to discuss what we have discussed with them. But we do listen and we are sensitive to requests."

There have also been reports that the images are being sold to rogue militias in the market place in Basra.

The British security services are concerned that terrorists will be able to examine in detail sensitive infrastructure such as electricity stations, military basis, and their own headquarters in London."

You can read the full article here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/01/13/wgoogle13.xml

Top Eleven Lesbian Fashion Accessories

I found this article quite funny

I've no idea why there are eleven items on this list rather than the usual ten, but hey, it works(probably something to do with there being eleven items on it.)Hmm, "Top Eleven Lesbian Fashion Accessories", I can see that in next month's Vogue! It was quite funny reading it and ticking off the ones I'm guilty of...

Flannel: check (although I only wear my flannel shirt when I'm ill, or channelling the spirit of Kurt Cobain).

Guitars...I've lusted over them, but never bought one.

Motorcycle jacket:check. Black leather, cummon!

Vest, hmm, thats a waistcoat to us proper English speakers, what we call a vest is number two on the list, a ribbed tanktop.And yes I own both of these, but Kate Moss does have a similar one to me, and my ribbed tanktop is saved by being pink.Not so butch now, huh?

Tattoos, hmm, does a henna addiction count?

Oh, and ties. I do like my ties, but they've gotta be skinny! I have the basic black, and one that I just could not resist, black with hot pink slashes and the legend "girls rock!" How queercore is that?!

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

And Just Plain Wrong-Harry Potter

What would happen in the Harry Potter-verse if Voldemort won the war and the death-eaters took over Hogwarts and turned it into their own sick sex playground? Amanuensis attempts to answer this question here:http://www.amanuensis1.com/andjustplainwrong.html

I must warn you, this fic is sick and wrong on so many levels.Do not read it if you are under eighteen or offended by anything, ever.

You have been warned!

Paranoid Kitten's Fanfiction

http://dress-fic.livejournal.com has some of the best slash fanfiction that I've ever read.Her Pieces are mostly short and sweet but she has the knack of really capturing the essence of the character, and of making the most unusual pairings seem possible. JD and Dr Cox from Scrubs, anyone? It might seem completely ridiculous now, but when you've read this... dress-fic.livejournal.com/103910.html

There's a plethora of Buffy and Angel ficlets too, with some Harry Potter femslash thrown in for good measure! There's some rather nice Danish (Dana/Alice) L Word femslash too, and a bucketload of other fic from pretty much every tv series imaginable.

It's well worth checking out, especially as Paranoid Kitten is so good at writing that she can make Black Books fic worth reading.Definitely one of my favourite fanfiction writers.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vs The L Word

http://logo-blogs.com/afterellen/2007/01/16/why-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-is-better-than-the-l-word/ pits two of my favourite shows against each other...

On the plus side, featuring Buffy and The L Word is a surefire way to get on this website!

WARNING: If you haven't seen the third season of The L Word, or you don't know why people are buying tshirts that say "Dana!? Why Not Jenny?" you probably don't want to read that article.

Monday, 15 January 2007

Lily Allen

Just a couple of pictures from a Lily Allen gig that I went to a few months back.I put them up because I wanted everyone to see the amazing dress that she's wearing!

This photo also shows off her amazing eye make-up! It's as if her eyelids are encrusted with jewels...

And here's the keyboardist from New Young Pony Club that I developed a girl-crush on.

The L Word Season Two Promo Video

This video is really quite adorable, it's a promo for Season Two of The L Word, and it just breaks my heart as Tina ignores Bette...But Carmen coming up from under the covers and snuggling with Shane is just too damn cute!

The F Word

As a young woman, and someone who has always felt "feminist", or at least liked the idea of feminism from a very early age, I decided that I wanted to know more about it,rather than just stamping the label "feminist" on my own opinions.

So I decided that I would do some research.I got "the classic feminist text" The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer out of the library, and I got on Google.
I didn't get on very well with the book, I must say.I found it quite dry and inaccessable to me.I felt that as most of the "classic" feminist books were written in the seventies, they would not neccessarily be relevant to me now, as developments have been made, and society has changed.

My research on the net showed me that there would be no easy place to start, because once you read "The Female Eunuch" (for instance) you then have to find out about the public reaction, the critique, the backlash, and the other books that it lead to!

I felt like every attempt I would make would just lead me down more different paths, and I could easily imagine myself getting tangled up and more confused than I was before.

My sexuality also complicated the matter, what with my research on the net throwing up "the lesbian sex wars", the idea of lesbianism as a political choice, and during the AIDS crisis (as if it ever went away!) gay women being labelled "the lavender menace" by feminist societies.

So basically, I gave up.The idea of learning more about feminism and exploring my own feelings about it fell by the wayside.

I just wished that I could find "Feminism Made Easy", something that would explain things to me in a way that I could understand, and that would be relevant to a young woman like me, without seeming too militant or "angry".
Then, whilst researching something entirely different, I stumbled across [URL=http://www.thefword.org.uk/index]The F Word[/URL].

Okay, so it's not the answer to my prayers, but it is written by young British women, about topics that are relevant and easy for teenage girls such as myself to relate to.

For instance, there is an article on the lack of women artists in Kerrang! Magazine, and another on the new Tampax scented tampons.

The articles don't go on forever, are written in non-fussy, everyday language (you wont need a dictionary!) and best of all represent a lot of young womens views at this time.

Sorry for writing a bloody essay, but I think it is an interesting little site, and well worth checking out.

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Some Things You Probably Didn't Know About The L Word

Eric Mabius wasn't the original choice to play Tim.He was originally played by Scott Bairstow (pictured below).

The L Word:Welcome To Our Planet book states that Tim was originally an anthropologist, but after viewing the pilot, the Showtime executives said that they didn't like that, so the character was rewritten as a swim coach, and as Scott Bairstow wasn't very convincing due to his small frame, they recast Eric Mabius in the role.

However, http://thelwordonline.com/ states the Bairstow lost the role due to allegations of sexual assualt on a minor...Odd how they wanted to gloss over that fact...

Pam Grier's character, Kit, was written completely differently. In the first version of the pilot, she was a lesbian performance artist and videographer, and she had the chart tattooed on her back.

Is it just me, or is that idea just damn weird? The Chart, the massive, tangled web of relationships,shags and one night stands tattooed on her back?

Wannaspell-groovy site of the day!

http://wannaspell.com is a really cool little site, and the premise is really simple.You move letters around the screen in order to spell words.The catch is, so are other users! It can be very frustrating when people steal your letters, but the site is really addictive!

Friday, 12 January 2007


The Killers, featuring Jezebelle!

Listen to this clip, and pay particular attention to the cry of undying love for Brandon right at the beginning...C'est moi!

The Killers, especially pour moi!

Dear reader, you may have seen the plethora of gorgeous photographs of The Killers live in Paris, and now I have finally got my acvt together and found some videos.Also, (ripped from a forum as I have no time to write a more detailed account) is a short description of the night...

Just got back from seeing The Killers at the Bataclan, Paris.

Brakes were supporting, at first I was a little disappointed that it wasn't Howling Bells, but the singer's attempts to communicate with the french audience were quite sweet, consisting as they did of er, it was very sunny today, beaucoup de soliel! And Porcupine Or Pineapple was a winner.

And The Killers, well, what can I say...
Just amazing.And everything I'd read about Flowers being a shy frontman was completely disproved.

We'd heard that Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll wasn't on the setlist, as they hadn't played it anywhere else on this tour.
Rather unhappy with this state of affairs, me and my mates started singing it in one of the gaps between songs.And Brandon,wonderful Brandon, looked at us, then down at the floor, then went over to his spangly keyboards and played the intro.He stopped after a minute, cos naturally the band didn't have a clue what he was doing.He went over to Ronnie and spoke to him,and this time they played it,just for us!

After the first encore (when they played not one but three songs) we all started chanting "I've got soul but I'm not a soldier" and they came back and played All These Things That I've Done and Exitlude, then as the lights came up and we all stumbled out,What A Wonderful World came over the PA. A perfect night.

And here is that very special song...

More videos will follow soon!


There are ten reasons why I am putting this up:

One: I'd rather watch youtube than work.

Two: I'm a sad slash freak who gets off on the Yaoi.

Three: I'm never gonna be able to afford Gravi on dvd, so I shall have to make to with the manga and fan-vids...

Four: Its the boys! In full colour! (see above)

Five: Songs about quasi-abusive relationships can be sexy.

Six: The split second shot of Hiro looking up from his yoghurt, to the lyrics "I toss and turn/I can't sleep at night".SEXY.Adds homoerotic undertones to the homoerotic overtones.

Seven: "Don't touch me please" as Yuki backs Shuichi into the corner...brings back all the confusion and frustration from the early tracks.

Eight: Bad Luck on stage! I must search around for that site where you can buy Bad Luck and Nittle Grasper t-shirts...

Nine: I need to get RJ to read the damn books so we can fangirl together.As of now, fangirl can officially be a noun and a verb.See "slag/to slag" and "scout/to be scouted".

Ten: I can't think of a tenth reason, but cummon, this video is great!

Lord Of The Rings-All The Subtext!

Thursday, 11 January 2007

The Dark And Bright Rainbow!

Visit my Internet Rainbow

This is a really cool little site.By clicking on the banner, you will visit the Dark And Bright internet rainbow, and you will automatically add a stripe to it in your own personal colour!

Pointless, but pretty!

Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Monday, 1 January 2007


Wesley-centric fics
Deconstructing Wesley

Wesley and Andrew - Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys

Wesley and ANgel - Shadows & Dust Collective

Wesley and Buffy - Latitude

Wesley and Cordelia - Shadows & Dust Collective

Wesley and Dawn - Lolita In Leather

Wesley and Drusilla - Shadows & Dust Collective

Wesley and Faith - Shadows & Dust Collective

Wesley and Fred - Shadows & Dust Collective

Wesley and Lilah - Double Indemnity
Wesley and Lilah - Shadows & Dust Collective

Wesley and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Wesley and Spike - Peaches Wont Be Happy


Willow-centric fics
Near Her Always
Shadows & Dust Collective

Willow and Anya - Shadows & Dust Collective

Willow and Buffy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Willow and Fred - Funnier In Latin

http://willowgiles.com/" target="_blank">Willow and Giles - Bright Minds And Dark Magics

Willow and Kennedy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Willow and Spike - Pavlovs Bell
Willow and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective

Willow and Tara - Shadows & Dust Collective

Willow and Xander - Shadows & Dust Collective


Xander-centric fics
I Need A Parrot
Shadows & Dust Collective

Xander and Andrew - Shadows & Dust Collective
Xander and Andrew - Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys

Xander and Angel - Kinetic
Xander and Angel - Shadows & Dust Collective

Xander and Anya - Shadows & Dust Collective

Xander and Buffy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Xander and Cordelia - Old School

Xander and Giles - No One Knows

Xander and Graham - Impure Things

Xander and Lindsey - Shadows & Dust Collective
Xander and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Xander and Willow - Shadows & Dust Collective

Xander and Spike - S/X and Violence
Xander and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Warren-centric Fics

Warren and Andrew - Down With The Sickness
Warren and Andrew - Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys


Oz-centric Fics
Monosyllabic Eccentricity

Oz and Andrew - Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys

Oz and Angel - Incredibly Pale
Oz and Angel - Slashing The Angle

Oz and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Oz and Giles - Loaded


Spike-centric fics
Fists And Fangs
Shadows & Dust Collective
Sugar And Spike

Spike and Anya - Moving On

Spike and Buffy - Sinister Attraction
Spike and Buffy - Shadows & Dust Collective
Spike and Buffy - Nautibitz
Spike and Buffy - Tales Of The Slayer

Spike and Angel - The Adventures Of Captain Peroxide And Dead Boy
Spike and Angel - Shadows & Dust Collective
Spike and Angel - Squashduck
Spike and Angel - Slashing The Angel

Spike and Angel - Eternal Nightcap

A comical take on the Spike/Angel 'ship, with the boys themselves actually introducing each section of the site. I particularly love the gallery where they're taking the piss out of crap photos of each other, and a big thumbs up for the Toys R Us ad of Puppet!Angel!

Spike and Angel - The Clockwork Vampire

Spike and Andrew - Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys

Tucker's Brother
Okay, I know right now someone wants to hit me for reccing an Andrew/Spike fic,Tucker's Brother but is so good that it breaks my little heart every fucking time.

It's not set in Season Seven on their little roadtrip as you might expect, its set way back in Season Six when Spike is still messed-up over Buffy and Andrew is just messed-up over his life.

The pressure of never living up to his sibling, of being a nobody, just "Tucker's Brother", all comes pouring out onto the page.PWP this is not.The feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing and, yes, godammit, wanting to be wanted are just so raw and sincere.Beautiful.Bonus points for the ending that makes me want to cry.

Quote: "It makes me feel like I'm... I don't know... part of something. Like it matters if I'm around." Andrew speaks fast, the words rushing over his tongue.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm not even here. Like- like I have to make people see me or I'll just disappear."
"I get that," Spike says reflectively.
"No, you don't," Andrew snaps. "You don't know what it's like to be me."
Spike chuckles. "I *was* you.

Spike and Dru
Spike and Drusilla - Love Lies Bleeding
Spike and Drusilla - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Xander - S/X and Violence
Spike and Xander - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Faith - Warm Champagne
Spike and Faith - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Dawn - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Looking At You is my personal favourite.

Cover Art By Laura Shapiro (Used with permission)

Oh yeah, Lindsey comes to Sunnydale in search of Darla, but meets up with a different blonde vampire...They fuck, they fight, and they bitch about Angel. Quote: "Christ, just like Angelus. First he buggers you, then he hits you." I froze. "What did you say?"

Spike and Lilah - Decadent

Spike and Wesley - Peaches Wont Be Happy

Spike and Willow - Pavlovs Bell
Spike and Willow - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Fred - Flesh For Fantasy
Spike and Fred - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Giles - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Riley - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Tara - Shadows & Dust Collective


Joyce-centric Fics


Lindsey-centric Fics


Lindsey and Angel - L.A
Lindsey and Angel - Shadows & Dust Collective
Lindsey and Angel - Legal-ease
Lindsey and Angel - Slashing The Angel

Lindsey and Buffy - Legal-ease
Lindsey and Buffy - A Life Less Ordinary

Lindsey and Darla - Legal-ease

Lindsey and Faith - Rocky Road
Lindsey and Faith - Shadows & Dust Collective
Lindsey and Faith - Legal-ease

Lindsey and Gunn - Legal-ease

Lindsey and Lilah - Ace Of Harts
Lindsey and Lilah - Legal-ease
Lindsey and Lilah - Tainted Love

Lindsey and Oz - Legal-ease

Lindsey and Riley - Legal-ease

An unlikely couple, and normally I hate Riley-fics, but
Indiscretions is so hot and so well-written that it doesn't matter.In the summer before basic training a future Marine has an encounter with a law student, and Riley's mixture of awkwardness and need is so palpable that-well, you'll have to read it for yourself.
Quote: "Riley knew he was leaning against the door, even without visual confirmation because that’s what he was supposed to do. Just like Riley’s role in the scenario was to nervously perch on the edge of the bed like the anxious virgin that he was"

Lindsey and Spike - Legal-ease

Looking At You is my favourite.

Cover Art By Laura Shapiro (used with kind permission)

Lindsey goes to Sunnydale looking for Darla and finds a different blonde vampire.Ooh yeah, evil, sexy, bad-ass lawyer meets evil, sexy, bad-ass punk rock vampire.They fuck, they fight, and they bitch about Angel.Quote: "Christ, just like Angelus. First he buggers you, then he hits you." I froze. "What did you say?"

Lindsey and Wesley - Legal-ease

Lindsey and Xander - Shadows & Dust Collective
Lindsey and Xander - Legal-ease

Special Mention

Sympathy For The Devil - Sawyer/Lindsey
This is a crossover with Lost but you really don't need to have seen the show to appreciate the hotness of this fic...Sawyer's in a bar, and the Southern con-man catches the eye of a certain Texan lawyer...


Lilah-centric fics

Lilah and Cordelia - Fashionably Evil

Lilah and Darla - Seductress

Lilah and Faith - Temptation's Girl

Lilah and Lindsey - Ace Of Harts
Lilah and Lindsey - Legal-ease
Lilah and Lindsey - Tainted Love

Lilah and Spike - Decadent

Lilah and Wesley - Double Indemnity
Lilah and Wesley - Shadows & Dust Collective


Gwen-centric Fanfics
Gwen Fanfiction


Gunn and Fred - Shadows & Dust Collective

Gunn and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Gunn and Wesley - It's Been Emotional

Mr Gordo

The Adventures Of Mr Gordo http://channelingboards.com/Fanfiction/MrGordo.html

Mr Gordo

The Adventures Of Mr Gordo


Giles-centric fics
I'd Like To Test That Theory
Shadows & Dust Collective

Giles and Andrew - Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys

Giles and Anya - Sweet Misery

Giles and Buffy - The LIST

Giles and Ethan - Be Seeing You

Giles and Oz - Loaded

http://willowgiles.com/" target="_blank">Giles and Willow - Bright Minds And Dark Magics

Giles and Xander - No One Knows

Giles and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Fred-centric fics
Shadows & Dust Collective

Fred and Faith - Rebellious

Fred and Gunn - Shadows & Dust Collective

Fred and Wesley - Shadows & Dust Collective

Fred and Willow - Funnier In Latin

Fred and Spike - Flesh For Fantasy
Fred and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Faith-centric fics
Shadows & Dust Collective

Faith and Buffy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Faith and Dawn - Chasing Daylight

Faith and Fred - Rebellious

Faith and Lilah - Temptation's Girl

Faith and Lindsey - Rocky Road
Faith and Lindsey - Shadows & Dust Collective
Faith and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Faith and Wesley - Shadows & Dust Collective

Faith and Spike - Warm Champagne
Faith and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Trapped http://www.absolutelyappleby.com/trapped

The Ultimate Buffy Slash Pairing List...The Girls

Anya and Cordelia - Yes, We've Enjoyed The Spanking! http://www.spun-crazy.com/spanked
Anya and Dawn - Strawberry Schnapps http://berry.yoko-factor.net/

Cordelia and Anya - Yes, We've Enjoyed The Spanking http://www.spun-crazy.com/spanked
Cordelia and Lilah - Fashionably Evil http://evil.invisibleflames.com/

Darla and Drusilla - Beautiful Madness http://www.yoko-factor.net/beauty
Dawn and Anya - Strawberry Schnapps http://berry.yoko-factor.net/

Dawn and Faith - Chasing Daylight http://onenine85.net/fawn/

Drusilla and Darla - Beautiful Madness http://www.yoko-factor.net/beauty/

Faith and Dawn - Chasing Daylight http://onenine85.net/fawn/
Faith and Fred - Rebellious http://undisclosed-location.org/fraith/
Faith and Lilah - Temptation's Girl http://temptation.invisibleflames.com

Fred and Faith - Rebellious http://undisclosed-location.org/fraith

Fred and Willow - Funnier In Latin http://latin.buffonia.co.uk

Lilah and Cordelia - Fashionably Evil http://evil.invisibleflames.com/
Lilah and Faith - Temptation's Girl http://temptation.invisibleflames.com

Willow and Fred - Funnier In Latin http://latin.buffonia.co.uk

The Ultimate Buffy Slash Pairing List...The Boys

Andrew and Warren - Down With The Sickness http://dwts.spinning-in-infinity.com/

Angel and Lindsey - L.A http://www.redkrowe.com/~la/
Angel and Oz - Incredibly Pale http://www.thrownwithgreatforce.co.uk/ip/
Angel and Spike - The Adventures Of Captain Peroxide And Dead Boy http://www.fangedfour.com/deadboy/
Angel and Xander - Kinetic http://www.redkrowe.com/~kinetic/

Ethan and Giles - Be Seeing You http://sedoparking.com/search/registrar.php?domain=kabukivice.com&registrar=sedopark

Giles and Ethan - Be Seeing You http://sedoparking.com/search/registrar.php?domain=kabukivice.com&registrar=sedopark
Giles and Oz - Loaded http://www.dymphna.net/loaded/

Giles and Xander - No One Knows http://www.seeking-solace.com/NoOneKnows-GX/

Gunn and Wesley - It's Been Emotional http://darkisrising.net/gunnwes/

Lindsey and Angel - L.A http://www.redkrowe.com/~la/

Oz and Angel - Incredibly Pale http://www.thrownwithgreatforce.co.uk/ip/
Oz and Giles - Loaded http://www.dymphna.net/loaded/

Spike and Angel - The Adventures Of Captain Peroxide And Dead Boy http://www.fangedfour.com/deadboy/
Spike and Wesley - Peaches Wont Be Happy http://www.no-hero.org/spikenwes/
Spike and Xander - S/X and Violence http://madpoetess.slashcity.org/sxandviolence/

Warren and Andrew - Down With The Sickness http://dwts.spinning-in-infinity.com/

Wesley and Spike - Peaches Wont Be Happy http://www.imjustsayin.net/indemnity/

Xander and Angel - Kinetic http://www.redkrowe.com/~kinetic/
Xander and Giles - No One Knows http://www.seeking-solace.com/NoOneKnows-GX/
Xander and Graham - Impure Things http://www.geocities.com/xangraham/
Xander and Spike - S/X and Violence http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://madpoetess.slashcity.org/sxandviolence/


Riley-centric fics
Shadows & Dust Collective

Riley and Buffy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Riley and Lindsey - Legal-ease

An unlikely couple, and usually I hate Riley-fics, but Indiscretions is so plausible and so hot it doesn't matter. In the summer before basic training a future Marine has an encounter with a law student, and Riley's mixture of awkwardness and want is so palpable that-well, read it for yourself.
Quote: "Riley knew he was leaning against the door, even without visual confirmation because that’s what he was supposed to do. Just like Riley’s role in the scenario was to nervously perch on the edge of the bed like the anxious virgin that he was"

Riley and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Ethan-centric Fics
Chaos Child

Funnel Cakes And Flying Monkeys


Ethan and Giles - Be Seeing You


Devon-centric Fics
Clotted Cream


Drusilla-centric fics
Charm School
Shadows & Dust Collective

Drusilla and Darla - Beautiful Madness
Drusilla and Darla - Seductress

Drusilla and Wesley - Shadows & Dust Collective

Spike and Dru
Drusilla and Spike - Love Lies Bleeding
Drusilla and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Dawn-centric fics
Doll Eyes
Shadows & Dust Collective

Dawn and Connor - Unnatural
Dawn and Connor - Shadows & Dust Collective

Dawn and Anya - Strawberry Schnapps

Dawn and Darla - Seductress

Dawn and Faith - Chasing Daylight

Dawn and Wesley - Lolita In Leather

Dawn and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective


Darla-centric fics
Darla: New, Improved And Revamped
Shadows & Dust Collective
Darla Slash at Seductress

Darla and Angel - The Last Time I Saw You
Darla and Angel - Shadows & Dust Collective


Darla and Drusilla - Beautiful Madness
Darla and Drusilla - Seductress

Darla and Buffy - Seductress

Darla and Cordelia - Seductress

Darla/ Dawn
Darla and Dawn - Seductress

Darla and Lilah - Seductress

Darla and Lindesy - Legal-ease



Cordelia and Angel - Bloodflowers
Cordelia and Angel - Shadows & Dust Collective

Cordelia and Anya - Yes, We've Enjoyed The Spanking


Cordelia and Darla - Seductress

Cordelia and Wesley - Shadows & Dust Collective

Cordelia and Xander - Old School


Buffy-centric fics
Blood and Honey

Shadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Cordelia -
Shadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Faith - Shadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Giles -The LIST


Buffy and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Buffy and Lindsey - A Life Less Ordinary

SBuffy and Riley -hadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Wesley - Latitude

Buffy and Willow - Shadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Xander - Shadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Angel - Shadows & Dust Collective

Buffy and Spike - Sinister Attraction
Buffy and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective
Buffy and Spike - Nautibitz
Buffy and Spike - Tales Of The Slayer


Connor-centric fics

Connor and Angel - Slashing The Angel
http://unnatural-brats.net/" target="_blank">Connor and Dawn - Unnatural
Connor and Dawn - Shadows & Dust Collective


Anya-centric fics
Shadows & Dust Collective


Anya and Giles - Sweet Misery
This site gets extra points for being named after a song by Michelle Branch.Whose cd, coincidentally, I bought purely because of her gorgeous rendition of Goodbye To You at the end of the episode Tabula Rasa when Giles leaves Sunnydale, Tara leaves Willow, and Buffy and Spike make out passionately in the Bronze.

Moving On gets a big thumbs up for their disclaimer: "Violators will be forced to watch their exes have sex on a table via laptop"!


Angel-centric fics

Deep In
Shadows & Dust Collective


Angel and Cordy - Bloodflowers
Angel and Cordy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Angel and Darla - The Last Time I Saw You
Angel and Darla - Shadows & Dust Collective

Angel and Connor - Slashing The Angel

Angel and Doyle - Shadows & Dust Collective

Angel and Lindsey - L.A
Angel and Lindsey - Shadows & Dust Collective

Angel and Lindsey - Legal-ease

Angel and Oz - Incredibly Pale

Angel and Wesley - Shadows & Dust Collective
Angel and Wesley - Slashing The Angel

Angel and Xander - Shadows & Dust Collective
Angel and Xander - Slashing The Angel

Angel and Buffy - Shadows & Dust Collective

Angel and Spike - The Adventures Of Captain Peroxide And Dead Boy
Angel and Spike - Squashduck
Angel and Spike - Shadows & Dust Collective
Angel and Spike - Slashing The Angel
Angel and Spike - The Clockwork Vampire

Angel and Spike - Eternal Nightcap
A comical take on the Spike/Angel 'ship, with the boys themselves actually introducing each section of the site. I especially love the gallery part where they're taking the piss out of dodgy photos of each other.A big thumbs up for the Toys R Us ad of Puppet!Angel!

Visit my Internet Rainbow